Articles for February 2020

Orchid Care for the month of February

Orchid Care for this month (February).

1) Most of the deciduous Orchids should be starting to spike this time. keep a close watch on the buds for signs of pest attack. Ensure that the spikes are presented well

2) Repotting season is just around, review the supply of fresh potting media, seaweed extract , fresh pots, stakes, fertilizers, fungicides for the year are stocked up

3) Some of  the Oncidiums, Cymbidiums, Paphiopedilum  would start spiking, stake the spikes so that they present themselves well. Some of the Paphiopedilums would be in spike. avoid watering the leaves and pouch. Anticipating each of the orchid opening can be very satisfying experience for a grower

4) Many deciduous species (Catasetum, Lycaste, Dendrobiums) would have lost their leaves and starting new growths. dont start watering immediately. allow then to harden for a while and start watering them

5) Supplement Magnesium sulphate and Micronutrients to ensure that plants get at least 1 dose of Magnesium and Micronutrients during this month

6) Start using seaweed extract @ 1ml  after mid February at a weekly interval to help promote good rooting. Good rooting is a good investment for a healthy and floriferous blooms later

7) Keep a couple of bottles of hydrogen peroxide handy for any quick bandaid treatments for bacterial and surface treatments of fungal infections

8) Remove dried leaves/sheath during this time as dried material absorbs more water and invite fungal and bacterial infections. Keeping the grow area clean would help

9) Cooler weather is also a season for fungal infections to take down plants that are not in good health, trim dead leaves, roots of Vandas and give them a dose of systemic fungicide would help cater to infections in cooler weather

10) Humidity levels would start going down this season and it is advisable to turn on the misters. Cleaning the misting units by soaking them in viniger over night and cleaning them with an old toothbrush is advisable

Species of the Month

Dendrobium farmeri
Dendrobium farmeri Paxton
Dendrobium farmeri
 Dendrobium farmeri Paxton
Dendrobium farmeri – Farmer’s Dendrobium [English Supervisor In Calcutta Botanical Garden 1800’s]

Distribution: This species is a medium to large sized hot to warm growing epiphyte found in North East India, Western Himalayan range to Malaysian peninsula

:Stems are clavate and 4 angled with 2-4 leaves towards the apex. This is spring blooming orchid that has pendent, many densely flowered cylindrical inflorescence. Inflorescence arises on the apex of the last seasons canes

Culture: This species has two distinct seasons in its natural habitat. During its growing season it receives copious rain fall
and fertilization and winters are dry and cold. This species is deciduous (looses leaf after 2 seasons) in nature and remains dormant during winter and blooms in early spring on upper nodes of its leafless canes.
Fairly easy to grow in Bangalore.Grow the plant in bright light and keep it moist and fertilize during the growing season. Withhold fertilization during winter and regularly mist the canes to keep the pseudobulbs from shriveling.

Pictures and Article: Sriram Kumar